Participation in Science Exhibition

On 2nd May, 2015 six of us from the institute took part in Science Exhibition organized by Sherubtse College, Kanglung. With invitation from Sherubtse College, six of us in two groups represented the institute to exhibit our innovative model in open competition with various other organization and schools.

We felt that such opportunity is very much apt for our institution to try out on creating technical related innovation that would be beneficial for many. The idea for our model came from the recent earthquake that stuck neighboring country, Nepal and learning from such tragic incidents, we worked on innovation that would help to detect earthquake through alarm. In addition, we also made a Alarm Model that can reduce theft cases. These model may not ensure complete safety but at least as an innovative design, it will certainly be of help in advance. Another group worked on Water Pump Model to pump water from underground.

On exhibiting our innovative model during exhibition at Sherubtse College, our model got much acclaimed by media. Representing institute, we are satisfied for what we have designed after much effort. Out of 23 exhibitors, we bagged 6th position. Through our participation, it isĀ  mainly to encourage all other students to forward their most innovative ideas in the field of technology to enhance the livelihood of the society.

Lodey Singye, D1C